- Aberdeen - a city and port in NE Scotland, a centre of the North Sea oil industry.
- Aberdeenshire - a council area and former county of NE Scotland
- aberfan(a-ber-van) - a village in South Wales where in 1966, a slag heap collapsed, killing 28 adults and 116 children.
- Abertawe(a-ber-tow-i) - Welsh name for SWANSEA
- Abruzzo(a-bruut-soh) - a region of east central Italy; capital L'Aquila
- Abu Dhabi(a-boo dah-bi) - the largest of the seven member states of the United Arab Emirates
- Abuja(uh-boo-juh) - the capital of Nigeria
- Abu Simbel(a-boo sim-b'l) - the site of two huge temples cut out of cliffs in southern Egypt, built in the 13th century BC
- Abyssinia(a-bi-i-uh) - former name for ETHIOPIA.
- Acapulco(a-kkuh-puul-koh) - a port and resort in southern Mexico
- Accra(uh-krah) - the capital of Ghana
- Aconcagua(a-kon-kah-gwuh) - an extinct volcano in the Andes, at 6,960 m (22,834 ft), the highest mountain in the western hemisphere.
- Addis Ababa(ad-diss ab-uh-buh) - the capital of Ethiopia
- Adelaide(ad-uh-layd) - the capital and chief port of the state of South Australia
- Aden(ay-duhn) - a port in Yemen at the mouth of the Red Sea, under British rule until 1967
- Adriatic Sea - an arm of the Mediterranean Sea between the Balkans and the Italian peninsula
- Aegean Sea - a part of the Mediterranean Sea lying between Greece and Turkey
- Afghanistan(af-gan-i-stan) - a republic in central Asia; capital, Kabul
- Africa - the second-largest continent, surrounded by sea except where the Isthmus of Suez joins it to Asia
- Agra(ah-gruh) - a city in northern India, site of the Taj Mahal
- Aintree(ayn-tree) - a suburb of Liverpool, site of a racecourse over which the Grand National is run
- Aix-en-Provence(eks-on-pro-vonss) - a city in Provence in southern France
- Ajman(aj-mahn) - one of the seven member states of the United Arab Emirates
- Akmola(ak-mo-la) - former name for ASTANA
- Alabama(al-uh-bam-uh) - a state in the south-eastern US, on the Gulf of Mexico;
- Alaska - the largest state of the US, in the extreme north-west of North America
- Albania(al-bay-ni-uh) - a republic in SE Europe
- Alberta - a province in western Canada
- Albuquerque(al-buh-ker-ki) - the largest city in the US state of New Mexico
- Alcatraz(al-kuh-traz) - an island in San Francisco Bay, California, the site of a federal prison from 1934 - 1963
- Alderney(awl-der-ni) - the third largest of the Channel Islands, to the north-east of Guernsey
- Aleppo(a-lep-poh) - a city in northern Syria, important as a commercial entre
- Aleutian Islands(uh-lyoo-sh'n) - a chain of volcanic islands in US possession, extending south-west from the Alaska Peninsula
- Alezandria(a-lig-zahn-dri-uh) - the chief port of Egypt, a major Greek cultural centre in ancient times
- Algarve(al-garv) - a province on the Atlantic coast of Portugal
- Algeria(al-jeer-i-uh) - a republic on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa
- Algiers(al-jeerz) - the capital of Algeria
- Alicante(a-li-kan-ti) - a port on the Mediterranean coast of SE Spain
- Alice Springs - a town in Northern Territory, Australia
- Allahabad(al-luh-huh-bad) - a city and place of Hindu pilgrimage in north central India at the junction of the Yanuna and Ganges Rivers
- Allegheny Mountain(al-luh-gay-ni) - a mountain range of the Appalachian system in the eastern US
- Alps - a mountain system extending from the coast of SE France through NW Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Southern Germany and Austria into Sovenia
- Alsace(al-sass) - a region of NE France
- Altai Mountains(al-ty) - a mountain system of central Asia extending from Kazakhstan into western Mongolia and northern China
- Altamira(al-tuh-meer-uh) - the site of a cave in northern Spain with Palaeolithic rock paintings
- Amazon(am-uh-z'n) - a river in South America, flowing through Peru, Colombia, and Brazil into the Atlantic Ocean. At over 6,683 km (4,150 miles), it is the second-longest river in the world.
- America - a land mass consisting of the continents of North and South America joined by the Isthmus of Panama
- America2 - United States
- American Samoa - an overseas territory of the US comprising a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, to the east of Samoa
- Amman(uh-mahn) - the capital of Jordan
- Amritsar(um-rit-ser) - a city in the state of Punjabi in NW India, the centre of the Sikh faith and the site of its holiest temple
- Amsterdam - the capital of the Netherlands, built on islands separated by canals
- Amu Darya(ah-moo dah-ri-uh) - a river of central Asia (known in ancient times as the Oxus), rising in the Pamir mountains and flowing north-west into the Aral Sea.
- Amur(uh-moor) - a river of NE Asia, flowing 4,350 km(2,737 miles) from Mongolia to its outlet in the northern Pacific Ocean
- Anatolia(an-uh-toh-li-uh) - the Asian part of Turkey, a peninsula bounded by the Black Sea, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean
- Anchorage - the largest city in the US state of Alaska
- Andalusia(an-duh-loo-si-uh) - the southernmost region of Spain
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands(an-duh-muhn, nik-uh-bar) - a Union Territory of India consisting of two groups of islands in the Bay of Bengal
- Andes(an-deez) - a major mountain system running the length of the Pacific coast of South America
- Andhra Pradesh(ahn-druh pruh-desh) - a state in SE India, on the Bay of Bengal
- Andorra(an-dor-ruh) - a small self-governing principality in the Pyrenees, between France and Spain
- Angel Falls - a waterfall in SE Venezuela, at 978 m (3.210 ft) the highest in the world
- Angkor(ang-kor) - the capital of the ancient kingdom of Khmer in NW Cambodia,noted for its temples
- Anglesey(ang-g'si) - an island and county of NW Wales. Welsh naem YNYS MON
- Angola(ang-goh-luh) - a republic on the west coast of southern Africa
- Aguilla(ang-gwil-luh) - the most northerly of the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean
- Angus - a council area of NE Scotland, formerly known as Forfareshire
- Anjou(on-zhoo) - a former province of western France, on the river Loire
- Ankara(ang-kuh-ruh) - the capital of Turkey
- Annapurna(an-nuh-per-nuh) - a ridge of the Himalayas, in north central Nepal
- Antananarivo(an-tuh-nan-uh-ree-voh) - the capital of Madagascar
- Antarctica - a continent around the South Pole, situated mainly within the Antarctic Circle
- Antarctic Circle - the parallel of latitude 66 33' south of the equator
- Antarctic Ocean - the sea surrounding Antarctica, consisting of parts of the South Atlantic, the South Pacific, and the southern Indian Ocean. Also called SOUTHERN OCEAN
- Antigua and Barbuda(an-tee-guh, bar-boo-duh) - a country consisting of three islands (antigua, Barbuda and Redonda) in teh Leeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean
- Antilles(an-til-leez) - a group of islands forming the greater part of the West Indies
- Antioch(an-ti-ok) - a city in southern Turkey, formerly the capital of ancient Syria
- Antrim - one of the Six Countries of Northern Ireland
- Antwerp(an-twerp) - a port in northern Belgium
- Aoraki-Mount Cook(ow-rak-i) -n official name for Mount Cook
- Apennines(ap-in-nynz) - a mountain range running down the length of Italy
- Apia(ap-i-uh) - the capital of Western Samoa
- Appalachian Mountains(ap-puh-lay-sh'n) - a mountain system of eastern North America, stretching from Quebec and Maine to Georgia and Alabama
- Aqaba(ak-uh-buh) - Jordan's only port, on the Gulf of Aqaba, the north-east arm of the Red Sea
- Aquitaine(ak-wi-tayn) - a region of SW France
- Arabia(uh-ray-bi-uh) - a peninsula of SW Asia, between teh Red Sea and the Persian Gulf and bounded on the north by Jordan and Iraq
- Arabian Sea - the north-western part of the Indian Ocean, between Arabia and India
- Aragon(a-ruh-guhn) - a self-governing region of NE Spain
- Aral Sea(a-ruhhl) - an inland sea in central Asia, on the border between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
- Aran Islands - a group of three islands off the west coast of the Republic of Ireland
- Ararat,Mount(a-ruh-rat) - a pair of volcanic peaks in eastern Turkey, the higher of which is teh traditional site of the resting place of Noah's ark after the Flood
- Arc de Triomphe(ark duh tree-omf) - a ceremonial arch at the top of the Champs Elysees in Paris, completed in 1836
- archangel(ark-ayn-j'l) - a port of NW Russia, on the White Sea
- Ardennes(ar-den) - a forested upland region extending over parts of SE Belgium, NE France and Luxembourg
- Argentina(ar-juhn-tee-nuh) - a republic in southern South America
- Argyll and Bute(ar-gyl, byoot) - a council area in the west of Scotland
- Arizona - a state of the south- western US
- arkansa(ar-kuhn-saw) - a state of the south central US
- Armagh(ar-marh) - one of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland
- Armenia(ar-mee-ni-uh) - a republic in western Asia
- Arnhem(arn-uhm) - a town in the eastern Netherlands, site of a heavy Allied defeat during the Second World War (1944)
- Arno(ar-noh) - a river which rises in northern Italy and flows through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea
- Arunachal Pradeah(ah-ruh-nah-chuhl-pruh-desh) - a state in the far north-east of India
- Ascension Island - a small island in the South Atlantic, incorporated with St. Helena, with which it is a dependency of the UK
- Ascot - a town in southern England, known for its annual race meeting
- Ashgabat(ash-guh-bat) - the capital of the Asian republic of Turkmenistan
- Asia - the largest of the continents, lying north of the equator except for some SE Asian islands
- Asia Minor - the western peninsula of Asia which now forms the bulk of modern Turkey
- Amara(ass-mah-ruh) - the capital of Eritrea
- Aspen - a ski resort in the US state of Colorado
- Assam(as-sam) - a state in NE India
- Assyria(uh-si-ri-uh) - an ancient country in what is now northern Iraq, the centre of a number of empires from the early part of the 2nd millennium BC until its fall in 612 BC
- Astana(a-stah-nuh) - the capital of the Asian republic of Kazakhstan. Former name AKMOLA
- Asturias(a-styuu-ri-uhss) - a self-governing region of NW Spain
- Asuncion(uh-suun-syon) - the capital and chief port of Paraguay
- Aswan(ass-wan) - a city in southern Egypt, near which are two dams across the Nile
- Athens - the capital of Greece
- Athos, Mount(a-thoss, ay-thoss) - a mountainous peninsula in NE Greece, inhabited by monks of the Orthodox Church
- Antlantic Ocean - the ocean lying between Europe and Africa to the east and North and South America to the west
- Atlantis - a mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean, which was overwhelmed by the sea
- Atlas Mountains - a range of mountains in North Africa extending from Morocco to Tunisia
- Attica(at-ti-kuh) - a department of eastern Greece
- Auckland(awk-luhnd) - the largest city and chief port of New Zealand, on the North Island
- Auschwitz(ow-shvits) - a Nazi concentration camp in the Second World War, near the town of Aswiecim in Poland
- Australasia - the region consisting of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the neighbouring island of the Pacific
- Australia - a country and continent of the southern hemisphere
- Australian Capital Territory - a federal territory in SE Australia that includes the national capital
- Austria - a republic in central Europe
- Auvergne(oh-vairn) - a region of south central France
- Avalon(av-uh-lon) - the place to which King Arthur was taken after his death
- Avebury(ayv-buh-ri) - a vo;;age om Wo;tsjore, site of major late-Neolithic circles of standing stones
- Avignon(av-i-nyon) - a city on the Rhone in SE France
- Avon - a former county of SW England, replaced in 1996 by the unitary councils of NW Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, and Bath and NE Somerset
- Avon2 - a river of central England which rises in Northamptonshire and flows trough Stratford to the River Severn
- Ayers Rock(airz) - a red rock mass in Northern Territory, Australia. The largest such mass in the world, it is 348 m (1,143 ft) high and about 9 km (6 miles) in circumference. Official name ULURU
- Ayr(air) - a port in SW Scotland, the administrative centre of South Ayrshire council area
- Ayrshire(air-sheer, air-sher) - a former county of SW Scotland, now divided into the council areas of North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire
- Azerbaijan(a-zer-by-jahn) - a republic in SW Asia, on the western shore of the Caspian Sea
- Azores(uh-zorz) - a group of partially self-governing Portuguese islands in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Portugal
- Azov, Sea of(az-off) - an inland sea of southern Russia and Ukraine, separated from the Black Sea by the Crimea and linked to it by a narrow strait
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Countries start with capital 'A'
Here is the list for all the countries which is start with capital A:
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