Saturday, 11 August 2012

Countries start with capital 'A'

Here is the list for all the countries which is start with capital A:

  1.  Aberdeen - a city and port in NE Scotland, a centre of the North Sea oil industry.
  2. Aberdeenshire - a council area and former county of NE Scotland
  3. aberfan(a-ber-van) - a village in South Wales where in 1966, a slag heap collapsed, killing 28 adults and 116 children.
  4.  Abertawe(a-ber-tow-i) - Welsh name for SWANSEA
  5.  Abruzzo(a-bruut-soh) -   a region of east central Italy; capital L'Aquila
  6. Abu Dhabi(a-boo dah-bi) - the largest of the seven member states of the United Arab Emirates
  7. Abuja(uh-boo-juh) - the capital of Nigeria
  8. Abu Simbel(a-boo sim-b'l) - the site of two huge temples cut out of cliffs in southern Egypt, built in the 13th century BC
  9. Abyssinia(a-bi-i-uh) - former name for ETHIOPIA.
  10. Acapulco(a-kkuh-puul-koh) - a port and resort in southern Mexico
  11. Accra(uh-krah) - the capital of Ghana
  12. Aconcagua(a-kon-kah-gwuh) - an extinct volcano in the Andes, at 6,960 m (22,834 ft), the highest mountain in the western hemisphere.
  13. Addis Ababa(ad-diss ab-uh-buh) - the capital of Ethiopia
  14. Adelaide(ad-uh-layd) - the capital and chief port of the state of South Australia
  15. Aden(ay-duhn) - a port in Yemen at the mouth of the Red Sea, under British rule until 1967
  16. Adriatic Sea - an arm of the Mediterranean Sea between the Balkans and the Italian peninsula
  17. Aegean Sea - a part of the Mediterranean Sea lying between Greece and Turkey
  18. Afghanistan(af-gan-i-stan) - a republic in central Asia; capital, Kabul
  19. Africa - the second-largest continent, surrounded by sea except where the Isthmus of Suez joins it to Asia
  20. Agra(ah-gruh) - a city in northern India, site of the Taj Mahal
  21. Aintree(ayn-tree) - a suburb of Liverpool, site of a racecourse over which the Grand National is run
  22. Aix-en-Provence(eks-on-pro-vonss) - a city in Provence in southern France
  23. Ajman(aj-mahn) - one of the seven member states of the United Arab Emirates
  24. Akmola(ak-mo-la) - former name for ASTANA
  25. Alabama(al-uh-bam-uh) - a state in the south-eastern US, on the Gulf of Mexico;
  26. Alaska - the largest state of the US, in the extreme north-west of North America
  27. Albania(al-bay-ni-uh) - a republic in SE Europe
  28. Alberta - a province in western Canada
  29. Albuquerque(al-buh-ker-ki) - the largest city in the US state of New Mexico
  30. Alcatraz(al-kuh-traz) - an island in San Francisco Bay, California, the site of a federal prison from 1934 - 1963
  31. Alderney(awl-der-ni) - the third largest of the Channel Islands, to the north-east of Guernsey
  32. Aleppo(a-lep-poh) - a city in northern Syria, important as a commercial entre
  33. Aleutian Islands(uh-lyoo-sh'n) - a chain of volcanic islands in US possession, extending south-west from the Alaska Peninsula
  34. Alezandria(a-lig-zahn-dri-uh) - the chief port of Egypt, a major Greek cultural centre in ancient times
  35. Algarve(al-garv) - a province on the Atlantic coast of Portugal
  36. Algeria(al-jeer-i-uh) - a republic on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa
  37. Algiers(al-jeerz) - the capital of Algeria
  38. Alicante(a-li-kan-ti) - a port on the Mediterranean coast of SE Spain
  39. Alice Springs - a town in Northern Territory, Australia
  40. Allahabad(al-luh-huh-bad) - a city and place of Hindu pilgrimage in north central India at the junction of the Yanuna and Ganges Rivers
  41. Allegheny Mountain(al-luh-gay-ni) - a mountain range of the Appalachian system in the eastern US
  42. Alps - a mountain system extending from the coast of SE France through NW Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Southern Germany and Austria into Sovenia
  43. Alsace(al-sass) - a region of NE France
  44. Altai Mountains(al-ty) - a mountain system of central Asia extending from Kazakhstan into western Mongolia and northern China
  45. Altamira(al-tuh-meer-uh) - the site of a cave in northern Spain with Palaeolithic rock paintings
  46. Amazon(am-uh-z'n) - a river in South America, flowing through Peru, Colombia, and Brazil into the Atlantic Ocean. At over 6,683 km (4,150 miles), it is the second-longest river in the world.
  47. America - a land mass consisting of the continents of North and South America joined by the Isthmus of Panama
  48. America2 - United States
  49. American Samoa - an overseas territory of the US comprising a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, to the east of Samoa
  50. Amman(uh-mahn) - the capital of Jordan
  51. Amritsar(um-rit-ser) - a city in the state of Punjabi in  NW India, the centre of the Sikh faith and the site of its holiest temple
  52. Amsterdam - the capital of the Netherlands, built on islands separated by canals
  53. Amu Darya(ah-moo dah-ri-uh) - a river of central Asia (known in ancient times as the Oxus), rising in the Pamir mountains and flowing north-west into the Aral Sea.
  54. Amur(uh-moor) - a river of NE Asia, flowing 4,350 km(2,737 miles) from Mongolia to its outlet in the northern Pacific Ocean
  55. Anatolia(an-uh-toh-li-uh) - the Asian part of Turkey, a peninsula bounded by the Black Sea, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean
  56. Anchorage - the largest city in the US state of Alaska
  57. Andalusia(an-duh-loo-si-uh) - the southernmost region of Spain
  58. Andaman and Nicobar Islands(an-duh-muhn, nik-uh-bar) - a Union Territory of India consisting of two groups of islands in the Bay of Bengal
  59. Andes(an-deez) - a major mountain system running the length of the Pacific coast of South America
  60. Andhra Pradesh(ahn-druh pruh-desh) - a state in SE India, on the Bay of Bengal
  61. Andorra(an-dor-ruh) - a small self-governing principality in the Pyrenees, between France and Spain
  62. Angel Falls - a waterfall in SE Venezuela, at 978 m (3.210 ft) the highest in the world
  63. Angkor(ang-kor) - the capital of the ancient kingdom of Khmer in NW Cambodia,noted for its temples
  64. Anglesey(ang-g'si) - an island and county of NW Wales. Welsh naem YNYS MON
  65. Angola(ang-goh-luh) - a republic on the west coast of southern Africa
  66. Aguilla(ang-gwil-luh) - the most northerly of the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean
  67. Angus - a council area of NE Scotland, formerly known as Forfareshire
  68. Anjou(on-zhoo) - a former province of western France, on the river Loire
  69. Ankara(ang-kuh-ruh) - the capital of Turkey
  70. Annapurna(an-nuh-per-nuh) - a ridge of the Himalayas, in north central Nepal
  71. Antananarivo(an-tuh-nan-uh-ree-voh) - the capital of Madagascar
  72. Antarctica - a continent around the South Pole, situated mainly within the Antarctic Circle
  73. Antarctic Circle - the parallel of latitude 66 33' south of the equator
  74. Antarctic Ocean - the sea surrounding Antarctica, consisting of parts of the South Atlantic, the South Pacific, and the southern Indian Ocean. Also called SOUTHERN OCEAN
  75. Antigua and Barbuda(an-tee-guh, bar-boo-duh) - a country consisting of three islands (antigua, Barbuda and Redonda) in teh Leeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean
  76. Antilles(an-til-leez) - a group of islands forming the greater part of the West Indies
  77. Antioch(an-ti-ok) - a city in southern Turkey, formerly the capital of ancient Syria
  78. Antrim - one of the Six Countries of Northern Ireland
  79. Antwerp(an-twerp) - a port in northern Belgium
  80. Aoraki-Mount Cook(ow-rak-i) -n official name for Mount Cook
  81. Apennines(ap-in-nynz) - a mountain range running down the length of Italy
  82. Apia(ap-i-uh) - the capital of Western Samoa
  83. Appalachian Mountains(ap-puh-lay-sh'n) - a mountain system of eastern North America, stretching from Quebec and Maine to Georgia and Alabama
  84. Aqaba(ak-uh-buh) - Jordan's only port, on the Gulf of Aqaba, the north-east arm of the Red Sea
  85. Aquitaine(ak-wi-tayn) - a region of SW France
  86. Arabia(uh-ray-bi-uh) - a peninsula of SW Asia, between teh Red Sea and the Persian Gulf and bounded on the north by Jordan and Iraq
  87. Arabian Sea - the north-western part of the Indian Ocean, between Arabia and India
  88. Aragon(a-ruh-guhn) - a self-governing region of NE Spain
  89. Aral Sea(a-ruhhl) - an inland sea in central Asia, on the border between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
  90. Aran Islands - a group of three islands off the west coast of the Republic of Ireland
  91. Ararat,Mount(a-ruh-rat) - a pair of volcanic peaks in eastern Turkey, the higher of which is teh traditional site of the resting place of Noah's ark after the Flood
  92. Arc de Triomphe(ark duh tree-omf) - a ceremonial arch at the top of the Champs Elysees in Paris, completed in 1836
  93. archangel(ark-ayn-j'l) - a port of NW Russia, on the White Sea
  94. Ardennes(ar-den) - a forested upland region extending over parts of SE Belgium, NE France and Luxembourg
  95. Argentina(ar-juhn-tee-nuh) - a republic in southern South America
  96. Argyll and Bute(ar-gyl, byoot) - a council area in the west of Scotland
  97. Arizona - a state of the south- western US
  98. arkansa(ar-kuhn-saw) - a state of the south central US
  99. Armagh(ar-marh) - one of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland
  100. Armenia(ar-mee-ni-uh) - a republic in western Asia
  101. Arnhem(arn-uhm) - a town in the eastern Netherlands, site of a heavy Allied defeat during the Second World War (1944)
  102. Arno(ar-noh) - a river which rises in northern Italy and flows through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea
  103. Arunachal Pradeah(ah-ruh-nah-chuhl-pruh-desh) - a state in the far north-east of India
  104. Ascension Island - a small island in the South Atlantic, incorporated with St. Helena, with which it is a dependency of the UK
  105. Ascot - a town in southern England, known for its annual race meeting
  106. Ashgabat(ash-guh-bat) - the capital of the Asian republic of Turkmenistan
  107. Asia - the largest of the continents, lying north of the equator except for some SE Asian islands
  108. Asia Minor - the western peninsula of Asia which now forms the bulk of modern Turkey
  109. Amara(ass-mah-ruh) - the capital of Eritrea
  110. Aspen - a ski resort in the US state of Colorado
  111. Assam(as-sam) - a state in NE India
  112. Assyria(uh-si-ri-uh) - an ancient country in what is now northern Iraq, the centre of a number of empires from the early part of the 2nd millennium BC until its fall in 612 BC
  113. Astana(a-stah-nuh) - the capital of the Asian republic of Kazakhstan. Former name AKMOLA
  114. Asturias(a-styuu-ri-uhss) - a self-governing region of NW Spain
  115. Asuncion(uh-suun-syon) - the capital and chief port of Paraguay
  116. Aswan(ass-wan) - a city in southern Egypt, near which are two dams across the Nile
  117. Athens - the capital of Greece
  118. Athos, Mount(a-thoss, ay-thoss) - a mountainous peninsula in NE Greece, inhabited by monks of the Orthodox Church
  119. Antlantic Ocean - the ocean lying between Europe and Africa to the east and North and South America to the west
  120. Atlantis - a mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean, which was overwhelmed by the sea
  121. Atlas Mountains - a range of mountains in North Africa extending from Morocco to Tunisia
  122. Attica(at-ti-kuh) - a department of eastern Greece
  123. Auckland(awk-luhnd) - the largest city and chief port of New Zealand, on the North Island
  124. Auschwitz(ow-shvits) - a Nazi concentration camp in the Second World War, near the town of Aswiecim in Poland
  125. Australasia - the region consisting of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the neighbouring island of the Pacific
  126. Australia - a country and continent of the southern hemisphere
  127. Australian Capital Territory - a federal territory in SE Australia that includes the national capital
  128. Austria - a republic in central Europe
  129. Auvergne(oh-vairn) - a region of south central France
  130. Avalon(av-uh-lon) - the place to which King Arthur was taken after his death
  131. Avebury(ayv-buh-ri) - a vo;;age om Wo;tsjore, site of major late-Neolithic circles of standing stones
  132. Avignon(av-i-nyon) - a city on the Rhone in SE France
  133. Avon - a former county of SW England, replaced in 1996 by the unitary councils of NW Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, and Bath and NE Somerset
  134. Avon2 - a river of central England which rises in Northamptonshire and flows trough Stratford to the River Severn
  135. Ayers Rock(airz) - a red rock mass in Northern Territory, Australia. The largest such mass in the world, it is 348 m (1,143 ft) high and about 9 km (6 miles) in circumference. Official name ULURU
  136. Ayr(air) - a port in SW Scotland, the administrative centre of South Ayrshire council area
  137. Ayrshire(air-sheer, air-sher) - a former county of SW Scotland, now divided into the council areas of North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire
  138. Azerbaijan(a-zer-by-jahn) - a republic in SW Asia, on the western shore of the Caspian Sea
  139. Azores(uh-zorz) - a group of partially self-governing Portuguese islands in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Portugal
  140. Azov, Sea of(az-off) - an inland sea of southern Russia and Ukraine, separated from the Black Sea by the Crimea and linked to it by a narrow strait

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